A Welll of Being: A Podcast by Mr. Wildenfree
#31 - On Philosophy | Mindful Negativity: The Balance to Toxic Positivity
February 24, 2021
On today's episode, I share my thoughts on mindful negativity, cynicism & the role it plays as a balancing force to "toxic positivity".
My goal was simply to express the humanness that comes on the other side of optimism, the reality of being concerned & humbling acknowledging that it is okay to be compassionate with yourself while going through those motions.

Opening & Closing Song: "Envision" by Mr. Wildenfree off the album "2020 Flows"

To subscribe to the podcast, send a blank message to: welll@bcast.email

"2020 Flows"
the album, available now on all major streaming platforms!


For all things Wildenfree, please visit: wildenfree.com

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"A Welll of Being", hosted by Mr. Wildenfree